Sistemi di documentazione per scavi archeologici preventivi: piattaforme GIS per la gestione dello scavo del Santa Margherita a Pavia


  • Francesca Picchio Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy)
  • Francesca Galasso University of Pavia, Italy
  • Giulia Porcheddu University of Pavia, Italy



digital survey, 3D GIS, rescue archaeology, stratigraphic units, Santa Margherita in Pavia


This paper discusses methodological aspects by illustrating the fi rst products of a research
project developed as part of a collaboration agreement between the DICAr - Department
of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia and the enterprise GEA
s.r.l. Archaeology, for the documentation of the archaeological excavations in the former Santa
Margherita Institute in Pavia (Italy). The activities, carried out by the experimental laboratories
DAda-LAB and PLAY, regarded the documentation of the archaeological evidences, dating
back to the 4th century AD, brought to light by the interventions of conversion and remodelling
of the historical and architectural complex. The need to produce documentation apparatus to
support the excavation activities is boosted by the fragility of the archaeological site, apparently
meant to disappear to allow space for the construction of an underground car park.
The research aims to develop a methodology for the organisation of the data acquired in the
multiple excavation campaigns, the production of databases useful to archaeologists for the
chronological interpretation of the excavation, the detection of archaeological emergencies and
the development of an information system that combines models and databases. Since March
2022, data acquisition campaigns have been undertaken to progressively survey the phases of
excavations. Data sheets were then developed for stratigraphic units and deposit units, and
an effective GIS system was developed to represent the complex nature of the site by making
clear the relationships between the stratigraphic units. The fi rst results of the research outline a
methodological process that leads to the development of a digital ‘container’ in which it becomes
possible to include the data collected during the campaign by reducing the time gap between
acquisition, recording, processing and synthesis of information.


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How to Cite

Picchio, F., Galasso, F., & Porcheddu, G. (2022). Sistemi di documentazione per scavi archeologici preventivi: piattaforme GIS per la gestione dello scavo del Santa Margherita a Pavia. Mimesis.Jasd, 2(1), 56–71.