La documentazione del patrimonio culturale perduto mediante fotogrammetria e intelligenza artifi ciale


  • Francesca Condorelli Free University of Bozen (Italy)


Palabras clave:

Photogrammetry, Artifi cial Intelligence, Cultural Heritage, Historical Images, Metric Survey


This research aims to give an analysis and assessment through the extraction of metric
information from historical images and to experiment with its potentialities in the heritage fi eld
with the aim of valorising historical iconographical documentation. In particular the paper
deals with photogrammetry applied to historical images. A classifi cation and a state of the art
of historical archives material considering their possible use in metric documentation and thus
suitable for photogrammetry is performed. A photogrammetric workfl ow is proposed to process
historical images and the maximum metric quality level reachable by the photogrammetric
processing is investigated. Two case studies in Paris were chosen: the UNESCO Heritage
Tour Saint Jacques and the pavilions of Les Halles of the architect Victor Baltard. The two
studies represent different situations of heritage because the tower was transformed over time
but still exists and the pavilions were destroyed in 1971. Thus, it is possible to compare the
different results obtained from the implementation of the workfl ow to the two case studies.


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Cómo citar

Condorelli, F. (2023). La documentazione del patrimonio culturale perduto mediante fotogrammetria e intelligenza artifi ciale. Mimesis.Jasd, 2(1), 72–83.